COIN Board Named

Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones on Thursday announced his appointments to the California Organized Investment Network Advisory Board.

COIN guides insurer capital into what the network feels is socially responsible, environmentally sustainable and community financial investments.

COIN’s investment officers lead two funds: the Qualified Investment Platform and the CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution) Tax Credit program, which screens investment deals across asset classes for risk, rates of return and provision of tangible benefits to California’s undercapitalized communities and environment; and the CDFI Tax Credit Program, which provides a 20 percent state tax credit on a $50,000 minimum investment, loan or deposit into a COIN-certified CDFI for 60 months.

“The COIN program has proven to be a highly successful effort in providing funding for important projects in underserved communities throughout the state, and I am confident our new board members are up to the task of furthering the success of this initiative,” Jones said in a statement. “Without question, their work on the COIN Advisory Board will be especially important given these difficult economic times.”

Following are the COIN Board appointees: