Markel Names Falvey Director of Public Entity Product Line For West

Brendan Falvey was named director of the public entity product line for the Markel Corp.’s West Region.

Falvey is responsible for managing existing West Coast public entity client and broker relationships and developing new property/casualty clients with emphasis on Joint Powers Authority and other public entity pools.

He is located in San Francisco, Calif.

Falvey has more than 30 years of property/casualty insurance and reinsurance experience, including more than 15 years of public entity underwriting experience.

Most recently he was with a global reinsurer where he handled property/casualty underwriting, client and broker relationship management, and new business production for individual risk insurance and JPA/PE reinsurance for over eight years.

Markel’s public entity expertise and capabilities center around offering excess of loss and quota share reinsurance of pooling arrangements.