Suit Filed by Ironworker Who Fell From Ladder at Dam

An ironworker injured when he fell from a ladder at a southern Oregon dam has sued PacifiCorp and several contractors, seeking more than $25 million.

The Oregonian reports that the lawsuit says Joshua J. Lang suffered a broken back and other injuries on May 18, 2012, when he was working at the Soda Springs Dam. His lawyer says he fell an estimated 25 feet and now uses a wheelchair, although he can “hobble” for short distances.

The suit filed last week in Multnomah County Circuit Court says the dam was operated by PacifiCorp.

workers_compThe suit alleges the ladder lacked non-slip rungs and was placed at too steep an angle. The suit also contends that employees weren’t adequately trained about ladder safety.

A call for comment wasn’t immediately returned by PacifiCorp.