One Year Later Insurance Losses From Black Forest Fire $420.5M

A year after the massive Black Forest Fire stuck Colorado, insured losses are now estimated at $420.5 million, according estimates released by the to the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association on Thursday.

The Black Forest community in El Paso County has spent the past year working through the recovery process in the aftermath of Colorado’s most devastating wildfire in terms of structures lost, according to RMIIA.

The losses result from roughly 4,173 auto and homeowners claims, roughly a $128 million increase from the preliminary damage estimate of $292.8 million estimated in the initial weeks after the fire.

wildfireThose numbers still rank the Black Forest Fire as the state’s second most costly wildfire. The Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado Springs is the state’s most expensive wildfire, with $460.3 million in insured losses resulting from 6,648 auto and homeowners insurance claims.

El Paso County reported 488 structures burned in the June 2013 Black Forest blaze, compared with 347 homes reported burned in the Waldo Canyon Fire.