City Council in Oregon Says Uber Must Follow Traditional Taxi Rules

While Uber may be a new kind of ride service, it should comply with the same rules as traditional taxi companies – and that means being licensed by the city, the Eugene City Council has decided .

The council voted 8-0 on Monday night to approve a code change that makes it explicit that ride-sharing services such as Uber must be licensed, the Register-Guard reported.

Councilor Greg Evans said the change is designed to ensure that such companies follow the safety and other regulations the city requires of other transportation providers.

“We are not trying to put Uber out of business,” Evans said.

uber-logo-vertical-darkThe change also lets traditional taxi companies use smartphone applications to calculate fares.

Uber relies on local drivers and mobile applications to let customers hail rides.

The company’s Northwest manager, Brooke Steger, said the code change would jeopardize Uber’s operations in Eugene.

“The only people to benefit will be those who own the taxi companies,” she said in a statement.

Uber has refused to comply with Eugene’s licensing and other requirements since it began operating in the city last summer. The city began fining it $2,000 a day in December. The fines now total $116,000 and Uber is appealing them.