California Applicants Attorneys Want Action Based on Workers’ Comp Report

The California Applicants’ Attorneys Association on Tuesday called for action from Gov. Jerry Brown on reported delays and denials in the treatment of injured workers.

CAAA’s call to action is in response to a series of articles by National Public Radio reporting on delays and denials of physicians’ recommended medical care by workers’ compensation insurers.

The report claims that the state-based workers’ compensation system is failing injured workers who need it the most due to legislative changes in more than 30 states that have favored cost cutting. As a result, taxpayers are paying more of the costs, as much as $30 billion, according to the report. Groups like the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute questioned the reports and said they are based on mostly anecdotal information.

workers_compCalifornia made sweeping changes to its workers’ comp system in 2012 with Senate Bill 863, a measure backed by Brown.

CAAA President Bernardo de la Torre called for action by the Brown Administration in a statement:

“Tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of injured workers have had their medical care denied by utilization review and (independent medical review). When the system doesn’t work for injured workers, it can have devastating consequences and require families to go on public assistance. These workers deserve better and collectively we all have a duty to fix problems that arise.”