Cal/OSHA Finds Employer at Fault in Window Washer’s 11-Story Fall

Cal/OSHA has cited Century Window Cleaning for five safety hazards following an investigation into a window washer’s 11-story fall from the roof of a San Francisco building last year.

Two of the five hazards cited were for serious violations, including failure to secure the roof with fall protection equipment and inadequate training on the proper use of the victim’s personal fall protection equipment.

When the window washer lost his balance and fell on Nov. 21, 2014, he landed on a moving automobile. Both the driver of the vehicle and the employee survived with serious injuries.

“While it is miraculous that this man survived a fall from this height, his fall is an essential reminder that employers are required to provide protections from the hazards of high elevation work,” Department of Industrial Relations Director Christine Baker said in a statement.

Cal/OSHA is a division of the DIR. Cal/OSHA investigators determined that Pedro Perez, 58, was in the process of moving the extension cord of a suspended scaffold around the corner of the building at 400 Montgomery St. in San Francisco. As he moved toward the edge of the roof, he disconnected the lanyard of his fall protection equipment from an anchor point. He then lost his balance and tumbled over the edge.

In 2008, Cal/OSHA cited Century Window Cleaning $2,720 for four violations, one of which was serious, following a complaint-based investigation.

There were five citations with proposed penalties of $12,765 issued in this case: three general, one serious and one serious accident related citations. A general violation is cited when an accident or illness resulting from the violation of a standard would probably not cause death or serious harm, but would have a direct effect on the health of employees. In contrast, a serious violation is cited when there is a realistic possibility that death or serious physical harm could result from the violation.

Falls from elevation are a leading cause of death and injury among workers, according to Cal/OSHA.

According to 2013 statistics on California workplace fatalities published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 22 of 61 fatalities in the construction industry were due to slips, trips and falls.