Former Arizona Congressman Renzi Rejected by High Court on Conviction

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal from former Representative Rick Renzi of Arizona, leaving intact his conviction for public corruption, insurance fraud and racketeering.

Renzi, a Republican, argued unsuccessfully that his prosecution violated the Constitution’s speech-or-debate clause, which limits investigations into the legislative work of members of Congress.

Prosecutors introduced evidence that Renzi, who owned an insurance agency, misappropriated clients’ premiums to fund his congressional campaign. He was also accused of lying to regulators and clients to cover his tracks.

FraudRenzi, now 57, was sentenced to three years in prison after a jury found him guilty of 17 counts in 2013. He served in Congress from 2003 to 2009.

The case is Renzi v. United States, 14-1082.