Gas Leak Forcing Southern California Residents to Flee Neighborhood

By | January 6, 2016

  • January 6, 2016 at 11:35 am
    TheNewsSkeptic says:
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    Who is their insurance underwriter? Why doesn’t anyone seem to know their name? Is SoCal Gas self-insured? Anyone in the insurance industry know?

  • January 9, 2016 at 1:09 pm
    TheNewsSkeptic says:
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    No one here knows the name of their insurance companies?

  • January 11, 2016 at 3:13 pm
    Mitch Ritter says:
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    National news media have done a better job of capping and containing the flow of news and federal emergency response than the profit-maximizing SoCal Gas, LLC has done in plugging the ongoing two and a half month massive benzene-methane-methyl mercaptan leak in the world’s media capital of L.A. County. Midwestern neo-liberal e-con SACRIFICE ZONE of FLINT, MICHIGAN has fared even worse with even less national news coverage where lead-contaminated water was found by the Governor of Michigan to have been intentionally run through the taps of those lucky enough to still have a home and running water.

    Search online for national news coverage and see for yourself whether the depth or volume of national coverage is commensurate with the California Governor’s Declaration of Emergency over 2 months from the discovery that SoCal Gas cannot contain the massive leak in heavily residential and air trafficked earthquake fault zone of Northridge in L.A. County. Governor Brown was neither questioned directly about this environmental disaster in progress while in Paris at the UN Climate Change Conference and he further chose to remain silent while questioned on California’s environmental policies which he presented as an exemplar of progressive environmental practices.

    A month and a half after the FAA diverted air traffic around the invisible continuous methane cloud for fear of jet fuel ignition of the gas and additives that have been filmed using heat-sensitive optics and is posted with local and DIY journalistic narrative on YouTube. Flint, Michigan’s water contamination has not been treated with any more national media attention.

    Now, shift your paradigm ever so slightly and imagine if a foreign enemy or domestic Islamist had been behind these two enviro disasters instead of the dark side of the AMERICAN DREAM, namely the PROFIT MOTIVE. How would the politicians who live on the spread of fear and the news media who profit off the spread of fear and paranoia have handled these midwestern and Pacific coast calamities in process?
    Except for local L.A. area broadcast outlets and especially the alternative newspaper the LA WEEKLY no national U.S. or even CBC\Canadian media have treated this Fukushima of GAS LEAKS as the emergency it is.

    SoCal Gas, the profit-maximizing private investor-serving hydraulic fracturing (“FRACKING”) and energy storage company has not even had to spend money on PR since no national news media treated this as a 2 month running emergency on the order of the BP Gulf of Mexico oil platform spill and Fukushima’s nuclear post-tsunami ongoing disaster (also dropped from mass media coverage in corporate-captured news media).

    For the best broadcast coverage to date, treating this news with the gravitas it deserves, albeit one month late, search and see the online video archive of last month’s DEMOCRACY NOW co-hosted & co-produced by a real journalist AMY GOODMAN with her substantive interview of previous Southern California Energy Profiteering and Massive Evacuation-causing cover-up whistle-blower ERIN BROCKOVICH.

    Looks like until Hollywood gets around to making a movie about this ongoing cover-up, or the more lethal and insidious “containment” in Flint, Michigan (what more can Michael Moore or Chris Hedges do to awaken U.S. to the human costs of these NEO-LIBERAL E-CON SACRIFICE ZONES?) we’ll not get any high paid newscaster to ask: What was SoCal’s blue-print for prompt remediation of a gas-line blow-out? Shouldn’t every Environmental Protection-permitted energy company business model be able to demonstrate their contingency plans prior to setting up? BP Gulf Coast failure to drill with such a contingency plan compounded the fortunes of oil-services corporations like Dick Cheney’s HALLIBURTON who BP called in when panic struck and HALLIBURTON billed billions of dollars for trying to plug the underwater gushing blow-out by stuffing golf balls down the hole!

    Same ???’s for BP’s underwater drilling blow-out in the Gulf; Fukushima risking nuclear melt-down in a high-risk tsunami zone yet still allowing the sale of its Nuclear Energy provider for Tokyo, TEPCO to be taken over by private profit maximizers who had to be nationalized after the disaster because it could not cover the cost of relocating an entire coastal region and completing the cordoning of nuclear contamination into the Pacific and agricultural areas much less the ongoing clean-up.

    Oh, one more question for U.S. Shouldn’t massively profitable news broadcasters owned by GE, WHO BRINGS GOOD THINGS TO LIGHT, occasionally shine a light on the LESS THAN GOOD THINGS? Like long since the sale of GE and Westinghouse’s Commercial Nuclear Reactor construction and servicing businesses to Toshiba (now teetering on bankruptcy) and Hitachi, which in itself was barely considered NEWSWORTHY, mightn’t they be expected to commit resources and exposure to uncovering the social costs buried in these BIG BUSINESS DEALS with more amplification, depth and persistence than anyone can find in the public online news industry’s archives?

    Added irony: USC’s ANNENBERG SCHOOL FOR COMMUNICATION & JOURNALISM is among the best-endowed and financed in the world and hosts a steady stream of visiting MASS COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONALS and SCHOLARS for conferences, guest lectures, seminars and symposia….!!!!!

    (C) Mitch Ritter
    Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa
    Nike-Town, Intel-Land, LLC
    Pheudal Phiephdom of Phil, Ka-Ching
    In Anti-Trust Perpetuity Throughout the Universe

  • February 27, 2016 at 1:55 pm
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    There was and is a V E R Y – S I M P L E ostensably new but in fact quit old cap called “D I F F U S I V E-MAGNETORESISTANCE” (D-MR) pioneeered by PHYSICIST AND METALLURGIST DR. EDWARD SIEGEL’S F I R S T e x p e r i m e n t a l discovery of “G I A N T-MAGNETORESISTANCE”(G-MR)
    [Google: “Anna Mayo ‘If’ LEAKS ‘Could Kill”; Find: The (NYC) Village Voice, page 38 (August 21, 1978)); THEN Google: “EDWARD SIEGEL GIANT-MAGNETORESISTANCE” FLICKR”; Find: (SECOND Link): Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (“JMMM”), volume 7, page 312 (August 1978), THEN Google: “EDWARD SIEGEL D I F F U S I V E-Magnetoresistnce”]
    basically a C O R R E C T L Y(!!!) M A G N E T I Z E D ferritic/BCC steel pipe/pipeline is oxidation/corrosion-F R E E, as pioneeded by Georg Alefeld(TU Munich), W. Conyers Herring(BTL), H. Radd and B. Oertle (ConocoPhillps), W. Youdelis(U. Windsor), Gert Ertl[2007 Chemistry Nobel Prize) and Edward Siegel[STOLEN 2007 Physics Nobel Prize for G-MR
    {by “Fert”(1988) and “Grunberg”(1989) PLAGIARIZING DECADE-EARLIER Siegel (1973-1977-1978) FIRST EXPERIMENTAL G-MR DISCOVERY!!!
    Basically one must MAGNETIZE the pipe/pipeline!!! How??? Wrapping a solenoid-coil around it underground is impossible!!! Siegel in long 1980-1992 discussions with PGE(of San Bruno pipeline explosion in-famy) and much later with SEMPRA/SDGE/SCG (1997-2016), FACING USUAL UTILITY INDUSTRY AGE-ISM/STUPIDITY/ANTI-SEMITISM/INSULARITY/RIGIDITY Siegel’s “failure-PREVENTION-associates” FAILED!!!

  • February 27, 2016 at 1:59 pm
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