Insurer Groups’ Supported Bills Signed into law by California Governor

Two insurance groups praised California Gov. Jerry Brown over his signing on various insurance-related legislation.

Brown recently approved legislation co-sponsored by the Association of California Insurance Companies to enable California insurance customers to conduct more activities electronically.

Brown signed Assembly Bill 2591, which enables policyholders opting in for a paperless policy to add a new driver or new car to their policy without mailing paper copies.

“This bill will also preserve existing consumer protections in the California Civil and Insurance Codes while reducing unnecessary paper waste,” Armand Feliciano, ACIC vice president, said in a statement.

Brown also signed Senate Bill 1092, law requires online hosting platforms to provide a notice to homeowners and renters to review their insurance policy for appropriate insurance coverage prior to participating in the activity.

California Gov. Jerry Brown
California Gov. Jerry Brown

This approved legislation will help homeowners protect their biggest asset and clarifies who pays for what and up to what amount, according to ACIC.

Katie Pettibone, Western Region vice president for the American Insurance Association, released the following statement in response to Brown signing Senate Bill 482, the CURES Database Bill, into law:

“California has taken an important step in preventing prescription drug and opioid abuse by passing SB 482 into law. The CURES database will be critical to helping doctors prescribe medication responsibly and appropriately given each patient’s medical history. We applaud the legislature and Governor Brown for ensuring patient and public safety by passing this lifesaving measure.”

SB 482 mandates doctors use the CURES Database to check a patient’s medical history before prescribing certain controlled substances.

The measure is intended to prevent prescription painkiller abuse.
