Relatives of Woman Killed in Arizona Uber Crash File $10M Claim

Two relatives of a woman killed when she was struck by an autonomous Uber vehicle have filed a $10 million claim against the Phoenix, Ariz. suburb where the incident occurred in March.

The Arizona Republic reported the previously undisclosed claim filed last fall against Tempe seeks $5 million each for the husband and daughter of 49-year-old Elaine Herzberg. Such claim notices are a required precursor to possible lawsuits.

The claim says Tempe created a dangerous situation by installing a brick pathway across the median where people were not supposed to cross the road.

Tempe spokeswoman Nikki Ripley said the city does not comment on pending litigation but she confirmed that Tempe hasn’t responded to the claim and that it was made about the tme when Tempe replaced the walkway with landscaping.