IICF Awards $50K Grant to California Fire Foundation for Victims

The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation’s Western Division presented a $50,000 grant to the California Fire Foundation’s Supplying Aid to Victims of Emergency program on Aug. 16.

The grant is to support Californians in need in the immediate aftermath of natural disasters.

“The past several years have presented a distinct challenge for California in terms of natural disasters, with a succession of catastrophic wildfires, mudslides and most recently, earthquakes,” Jennifer Knox, IICF Western division board chair and senior vice president of Swiss Re Corporate Solutions.

The SAVE program provides disaster victims with $250 gift cards following a natural disaster. Local fire stations receive the cards from the California Fire Foundation and then distribute them to those in need within 24 to 48 hours of a disaster event to purchase basic necessities like clothing, food and toiletries, in the earliest stages of disaster recovery.

The SAVE program has aided more than 55,000 victims of natural disasters since its inception in 2014.

The IICF has served as the philanthropic foundation of the insurance industry, contributing $36 million in community grants along with 300,000 volunteer hours by more than 110,000 industry professionals.

The California Fire Foundation is the statewide nonprofit organization responsible for building and maintaining the California Firefighters Memorial and hosting the annual California Firefighters Memorial Ceremony.