Surplus Line Association of California Elects 2020 Board

The members of the Surplus Line Association of California have elected Terri Moran of Paul Hanson Partners as chair of the SLA board of directors.

Moran’s election became official at the SLA annual meetings on Feb. 4 and Feb. 6 in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Also elected to leadership were Janet Beaver of Tokio Marine-HCC Casualty as vice chair, and Rich Gobler of Burns & Wilcox, who is the new secretary/treasurer. Outgoing chair Robert Gilbert of Markel West Insurance Services remains on the board as past chair, after two years as chair.

Voters also approved the nominating committee’s proposed slate for the entire 13-member board. Jason Howard of CRC was elected as a new member.

Completing the 13-member board are the following, who also served in 2019:

Additionally, SLA members reelected the Honorable Harry Low, a former insurance commissioner and retired presiding justice of the California Court of Appeal, as mediator.

The SLA operates as a self-governed private organization. Appointed by the Commissioner in 1994, the association serves as the statutory surplus line advisory organization to the California Department of Insurance and facilitates the state’s capacity to monitor and direct surplus line brokers’ placements of insurance with eligible surplus line insurers.
