Experts Count 100-Plus Aftershocks Since Nevada Quake

More than 100 small aftershocks were recorded since a 4.5 magnitude earthquake shook near Carson City on Friday, causing minor damages across the city, experts said.

The largest recorded aftershock was a magnitude 3.2 temblor on Saturday, which could be felt across western Nevada, the Nevada Appeal reported Tuesday.

About 6,000 people felt the original temblor, which was initially reported as a magnitude 5 in southern Carson City near the bottom of Prison Hill, said Ken Smith, seismic network manager for the University of Nevada, Reno’s Nevada Seismological Lab.

“The earthquake is in an area that has experienced earthquake swarm behavior, on-and-off, for several years,” Smith said. “There have been about two dozen ongoing small aftershocks which is expected for an event of this size.”

The temblor knocked items off of shelves inside stores and one building shut off its gas as a precaution, Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong said.

The state Department of Transportation also took precautions and checked all 32 bridges across the region for possible damage. Inspectors found no visible damage to columns, beams and decks from the quake, spokeswoman Meg Ragonese said.

It is unclear if the earthquake is related to the nearby Genoa Fault, one of the largest faults in the region that separates Carson City and Lake Tahoe. The quake was felt as far away as the Sacramento Valley, Merced and Fresno, according to the Nevada Seismological Laboratory.