California Commissioner Launches Database of Green Insurance Products

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara on Tuesday formally launched the Climate Smart Insurance Products Database, what is being touted as “the first-ever consumer-oriented list of green insurance policies.”

The California Department of Insurance has developed the database to help the public understand and access these products and encourage further insurance policy innovation in commercial, homeowners, and auto lines, among other lines, according to the CDI.

“Understanding, preventing, and reducing climate risk is of paramount importance, and we need innovative insurance solutions to accelerate the transition to sustainable and resilient communities and economies,” Lara said in a statement. “When disaster strikes, insurance can help damaged homes, buildings, and vehicles be built back better, stronger, and greener and springboard into the cleanest technologies.”

The database lists more than 400 products available to consumers and businesses that reportedly address climate risks, harness new technologies and build resilience.

They include insurance products and solutions that, among other products:

A June 1 report from environmental nonprofit group Ceres recommends the development of such a database of insurance products.

Lara last year announced an effort with the United Nations to create a Sustainable Insurance Roadmap, a climate change strategy and action plan.

The database includes insurance products sold in California and around the world and enables consumers to search products in nine categories: Fortified Homes; Green Buildings and Equipment; Nature-Based Solutions; Mileage-Based Insurance; Low-Emissions Vehicles; Microinsurance; Renewables; Carbon Offsets; Super Pollutant Reduction.
