LP in Nevada Adds Cantlon, Ennis, Garcia, Rossi to Ownership Group

Reno, Nev.-based LP Insurance Services LLC has added Andrea Cantlon, Matt Ennis, Dustin Garcia and Jared Rossi to its ownership group.

LP Insurance Services currently has 24 member-owners throughout the footprint.

Cantlon leads the surety division. She joined LP Insurance in 2015 and has more than 25 years of industry experience in both financial services and bonds.

Ennis leads the risk transfer/legal consult group. He has been part of LP Insurance (and its predecessors) since 2004. Ennis provides contractual risk management support for LP Insurance clientele.

Andrea Cantlon
Matt Ennis

Garcia is a commercial insurance broker in Reno and joined LP Insurance in 2005. He has a diverse book of business including contractors, manufacturers, retailers and large commercial properties.

Rossi is a commercial insurance broker in Reno. He joined LP Insurance in 2008. Rossi’s book of business includes construction, public entities, cannabis and hospitality/entertainment.

Dustin Garcia
Jared Rossi

LP Insurance Services is a risk management and insurance brokerage firm specializing in property/casualty, surety, workers’ compensation, employee benefits, healthcare professionals, personal and risk management services.