Summit Launches Contractors Insurance Program

Las Vegas, NV – Summit Insurance Services, Inc. has launched a new insurance program designed specifically for commercial contractors in California. The program is underwritten by an AM Best Financial Performance Rating of A+ (Superior) and a Financial Size Category 15 (Largest).

The General Liability program has a wide range of available classes of business, increased coverage options and custom designed coverage endorsements. A few highlights are:

1. Apartments are considered commercial
2. No subsidence exclusion on street & road or sewer & water contractors
3. Offers excellent 11/85 equivalent AI endorsement
4. Offers per project aggregate limits
5. Deductible options available
6. Primary/Non-Contributory Wording
7. Streamlined certificate issuance system

Summit provides excellent administration, loss control and claims service. A Summit Loss Control representative will also help the insured evaluate potential business risks and develop workplace strategies to control these risks.

Summit is committed to the construction industry and will focus on delivering the services, coverages, and competitiveness that this class of business requires.

For further information, please log on to or contact us at 1-800-577-6222 ext.102 for Cricket Thomas; ext.101 for Donna House.