Insurance Journal Blog Seeks Input to Feature ‘Flipsides’ of Insurance Industry

Insurance Journal has launched a blog titled “Insurance Flipsides” to highlight stories that don’t often get told about the insurance industry.

The editors would like this to be a collaborative effort and are asking for help from readers with suggestions for stories about people in the industry who are making a positive difference, either professionally or personally.

“This is not a PR exercise. We’re simply gathering proof of something you all know – that you work in an interesting industry, which has enormous societal value and makes a profound contribution to our global economy,” said L.S. Howard, international editor and creator of Insurance Flipsides.

Flipsides wants to know about the company that is making a difference in its community. The work colleague who is tirelessly doing charitable work in his or her spare time. Or examples of insurance products or services in action, ones that saved businesses from ruin or helped them recover from catastrophic losses.

“It’s time for the industry to stop hiding its light under a bushel, as they say. Here’s a chance for you to tell your stories and give young talent a reason to want to join this industry,” Howard said.

Readers can help by sending ideas to along with contact details.

“Together, we can do our best to chip away at the industry’s negative perception, one story at a time,” Howard said.

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