Maine Bureau of Insurance Recovered Nearly $2M for Consumers in 2013

Maine’s Bureau of Insurance obtained nearly $2 million in recoveries and required payments on behalf of Maine consumers in 2013, officials said Tuesday.

More than $1.5 million was recovered for consumers by the Bureau’s Consumer Health Care Division, and almost $400,000 was recovered for consumers by the Property and Casualty Division.

Maine Insurance Superintendent Eric Cioppa said the Bureau fielded 9,000 inquiries and more than 700 complaints during 2013: the Property and Casualty Division handled 4,022 inquiries and 306 written complaints; and the Consumer Health Care Division received 4,977 inquiries and 437 written complaints.

Maine Gov. Paul R. LePage called the Bureau’s efforts an example of the “can do” attitude and work ethic that is being promoted throughout state government.

“Maine families and businesses benefited in significant ways during 2013 from the knowledgeable and conscientious staff at the Bureau of Insurance. I encourage anyone with questions or concerns about insurance to contact the Bureau,” Gov. LePage said.

“It’s the duty of the Bureau to assist individuals and businesses with insurance-related complaints, including the timely and accurate payment of insurance claims,” Insurance Superintendent Cioppa said. “These recoveries represent contested claims that likely would not have been paid without the intervention of Bureau staff.”

Cioppa said most insurers operating in Maine pay claims properly and quickly, but each year there are many individuals and businesses who seek assistance from the Bureau.

The Bureau of Insurance is part of the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation which encourages sound ethical business practices through high quality, impartial and efficient regulation of insurers, financial institutions, creditors, investment providers, and numerous professions and occupations for the purpose of protecting the citizens of Maine.

Source: Maine Bureau of Insurance