New Jersey Awards More Grants to Assist Residents With Home Elevations

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s administration has approved dozens of grants to assist homeowners with costs incurred in elevating their homes to protect against future flooding and storms.

The 109 Hazard Mitigation Grant program awards were announced Monday.

Eligible recipients receive up to $30,000 for a broad range of work associated with home elevations, including engineering, construction, permits and utility work. The money is reimbursed after the work is completed.

The Environmental Protection Department approved projects for properties in 28 municipalities, bringing the total of approved post-Superstorm Sandy elevation grant awards to 135. The DEP has submitted more than 800 elevation applications to FEMA and expects more approvals in the near future.

The latest round of awards will be made to property owners in Atlantic, Bergen, Cape May, Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean counties.