Aon Supports Observation of Today’s ‘Data Privacy Day’

Aon’s London office announced that its risk management and human resources solutions units have “continued as a Champion of Data Privacy Day (DPD) according to the National Cyber Security Alliance.”

As a DPD Champion, Aon said it “recognizes and supports the principle that organizations, businesses and governments all share the responsibility to be conscientious stewards of data by respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust.”

The bulletin explained that “Data Privacy Day, observed annually on January 28, is an international awareness effort to encourage Internet users to consider the privacy implications of their online actions and motivate all companies to make the protection of privacy and data a greater priority. Aon is empowering results for clients by continuing the growing effort among international organizations, corporations, educational institutions, government entities and municipalities to promote privacy awareness.”

Kevin Kalinich, Aon Global Practice Leader for Cyber Risk Insurance, said: “With the magnitude, complexity and speed of risk increasing, technology and information asset usage have become indispensable tools to increase efficiency and lower costs for every organization.

“Balancing technological progress with privacy and security is being mandated by a growing number of country-specific data breach and privacy laws, which can impact bottom line financial statements. Therefore, cyber risks now are Board of Directors and management issues. Aon has developed a proprietary online ‘Aon Cyber Diagnostic Tool’ to assist organizations to identify their unique cyber exposures mapped to risk mitigation and insurance best practices.” The formal launch and availability of the new product is scheduled for today.

Kalinich added: “Cyber risk has become a leading issue for many organizations as awareness of cloud computing, social media, corporate ‘Bring Your Own Device’ policies, big data, and state-sponsored espionage has grown. In an increasingly punitive legal and regulatory environment, and in the face of more frequent contractual insurance requirements specifying cyber liability, forward-thinking companies are taking proactive steps to explore and transfer cyber risk.”

Aon – Cyber Risk Insurance