PERILS Issues 3rd Insured Loss Estimate for Windstorm Tini – $375 Million

PERILS AG said its revised loss estimate for windstorm Tini, also known as Darwin, which affected Ireland and the United Kingdom on February 12 and 13, is €281 million [$375 million].

The third estimate of the property insurance market loss compares to the second loss estimate of €253 million [$338 million], which was issued by PERILS on 12 May 2014.

For subscribers to the PERILS database, the market loss data in this third loss report are available at a higher level of granularity, with losses per CRESTA zone (two-digit postcode level) and per property line of business.

In line with the PERILS loss reporting schedule, the fourth loss estimate for Tini will be published on 12 February 2015.