Cost Per Workers’ Compensation Claim Rising in Indiana: Study

The average cost of a workers’ compensation claim in Indiana grew rapidly in recent years, mainly driven by the high price of medical care, according to a new study, Benchmarks for Indiana, CompScope 13th Edition, by the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI).

The study found that medical payments were the major factor behind rising workers’ compensation claim costs, which grew 7 percent per year from 2005 to 2010. In spite of these increases, overall costs per workers’ compensation claim were 12 percent lower in Indiana compared with the typical state in the 16-state study.

Among the study’s other findings:

The study benchmarks the performance of the workers’ compensation system in Indiana, as well as in 15 other states, focusing on income benefits, overall medical payments, costs, frequency of benefits, duration of disability, litigiousness, benefit delivery expenses, timeliness of payment, and other metrics.

Source: WCRI