Insurance Journal Co-Sponsors Agency Research Project

Channel Harvest Research, in partnership with Insurance Journal, has launched a major new study in the independent agency system, probing agents’ attitudes toward insurance carrier relationships and, in particular, the companies they represent.

The research is aimed at providing carriers with strategic, independent and actionable information. The analysis and report will be published in March.

John Campbell, managing director of Channel Harvest, said the project will provide “a strategic roadmap for property/casualty carriers looking to strengthen agency relationships and boost revenue in the years to come.”

The survey will answer such key questions as:

The syndicated study is the sixth in a series of industry research projects conducted by Channel Harvest, a joint venture of Campbell Surveys and insurance branding firm Aartrijk, and sponsored by Insurance Journal. Here are key links for more information:

Agents and brokers may take the survey here:

Information on ordering the survey report may be obtained by contacting Campbell at

For more information, visit