Texas Brine Contractors Staying in Homes Near Louisiana Sinkhole

Texas Brine Co. has moved contractors working on the Bayou Corne-area sinkhole in Louisiana into three homes the company purchased from residents who left after the failure of a company-operated salt dome cavern.

Texas Brine spokesman Sonny Cranch tells The Advocate two homes south of La. 70 have been occupied for three weeks.

A home north of La. 70 has been occupied since January.

The Bayou Corne community has been under a mandatory evacuation order since the sinkhole emerged Aug. 3, 2012, and flammable methane gas was released as a result.

Cranch said the homes will be occupied as long as the contractors work on the 29-acre swampland hole. He said housing them at the site allows Texas Brine to save on the cost of hotel reimbursements.