Xcel Settlement Offers $447,000 in Colorado

Xcel Energy Inc. is providing $447,000 for environmental projects in north Denver to resolve a lawsuit alleging clean air violations.

The lawsuit by WildEarth Guardians alleged Xcel failed to monitor and limit emissions at its coal-fired Cherokee power plant in Denver.

Xcel isn’t admitting to the allegations. A consent decree filed in federal court Thursday notes Xcel has already taken steps to improve monitoring, and it plans to stop burning coal at the plant by 2018.

The consent decree says Xcel will provide $447,000 to the nonprofit organization Groundwork Denver to install solar panels in the Globeville, Elyria or Swansea neighborhoods; offer energy-efficiency improvements to dozens of homes there; and support an open space project in Globeville.

The Department of Justice and Environmental Protection Agency have 45 days to object.