One Step After You’ve Had It

Have you ever had one of those “I’ve had it!” moments?

I mean, you look around and decide that where you are is not where you want to be?

Whether it’s in your work, your life, your relationships, or your finances, you just got sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Are you there now?

What are you going to do about it?

Set some big lofty goal? Some BHAG?

Let me know how that works out for you. I’ve tried BHAGs and have discovered that they aren’t enough for me.

I had to look at the goal and the path to the goal and decide on one small step I wanted to take toward that goal.

You know what? One small step worked because it led to another.

Take enough small steps and when you look around, you’ll have gotten a whole lot father down the road than you thought you would.

So maybe the goal (while important because you have to know where to go) isn’t everything. Maybe the small daily steps toward the goal are most of it.