
Sex Abuse Concerns

“More concern is given to the pedophile abuser within the church than the innocent child who is sexually, physically and psychologically abused for life.”

—A former student at Chaminade, a prep school in Creve Coeur, Mo., sponsored by the Marianist Province of the United States, in a statement regarding a settlement over sex abuse allegations. The Roman Catholic religious order agreed to pay $300,000 to the former student to settle claims that a teacher at the school sexually abused him.

Not-at-Fault Accident

“I want to remind drivers that under state law, a crash involving a deer is considered a not-at-fault accident, and insurers cannot add a surcharge to your premium for an accident with a deer.”

—Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Teresa Miller on the state law prohibiting surcharges for deer-related crashes. In her Oct. 19 consumer advisory, Miller also urged drivers to be alert for deer as this is the time of year when auto crashes with deer are most likely to happen.

Lingering Oil

“Although we will not be pursuing Exxon for additional damages, our decision today does not close the book on lingering oil.”

—Alaska Attorney General Craig Richards said U.S. and Alaska state officials will no longer seek an additional $92 million from Exxon Mobil Corp. to pay for environmental cleanup and restoration stemming from the massive Exxon Valdez oil spill nearly three decades ago.

Toxic Litigation

We firmly believe that the current regulatory environment only exacerbates the toxic litigation environment in Kentucky.”

—Betsy Johnson, executive director of the Kentucky Association of Health Care Facilities. Johnson appeared before a state legislative committee in September to complain about what the nursing-home industry believes is overly strict enforcement of rules meant to ensure the safety of residents in the state.

Much Worse

“This is much worse.”

—Patricia Addison, marketing manager for The Mountain, an old-west themed complex in northeast Texas, which partially burned in mid-October. The fire occurred almost two years after a blaze in November 2013 destroyed 20 of its buildings. According to Addison, about 60 buildings were damaged in the recent fire, including a theater, several bed and breakfasts, and shops and restaurants.