Hoverboards Banned on San Francisco State University Campus

Students at San Francisco State University will have to come back from the future now that hoverboards have been banned from campus due to fire concerns.

Administrators informed students by email in late February that the two-wheeled, self-balancing devices are prohibited on school grounds and in dormitories. The boards are popular but have been linked to fire hazards. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a letter last month noting 52 reports of fires that users say were caused by hoverboards in 24 states. The government says it will seize or recall any boards that fail to meet federal safety standards.

In January, a homeowner in Sonoma County saved his house after finding his daughter’s hoverboard shooting sparks.

Hoverhoards aren’t the only transportation device banned on the San Francisco State University campus of nearly 30,000 students. Bicycles, scooters, roller skates and skateboards are also prohibited.

Hoverboards are legal on California streets and bike lanes with certain restrictions.