Email Your Sale Goodbye

As an agent you must stop building sales processes around what is easy for you and start doing what is best to close the business and win the client to your team.

One of the areas we battle with agents on is emailing the quote to clients. In my experience, when you email the quote you are basically telling the client to figure their insurance out all on their own. We create a price shopper because we have not provided the value of our expertise.

We wanted to take this opportunity to identify how to break the addiction of emailing quotes.

Why Emailing Quotes Is Just Plain Wrong

A colleague of mine once said, “If you email a quote, just put the price in the subject line it will save everyone time.” And that is a true statement.

Let us be honest — you just spent time on the phone with a client, collected their most private information and then emailed them a complicated quote to understand all on their own. My mother has no idea what water sewer backup is, so feeling overwhelmed she looks at the price and then decides if she will ever speak with you again.

When we email a quote, we are asking the prospect to burn calories to understand what you are proposing to them.

News flash! No one wants to spend time on their insurance. The easiest and least confusing agent generally wins.

Now many people say to us, “People want to see the quote.” If they want to see it, they can ask for it or we can send it to them on the call or after the call. The bottom line is insurance is too complicated to email something off — and you cannot ask for the business quite the same way as a live call.

Some agents refute this with the idea that they write a beautiful email explaining all the coverages … that no one reads and takes you 20 minutes.

If you are truly working toward protecting your prospect, they deserve the opportunity to have a professional agent walk them through their options.

What to Do Instead

Some of you are reading this right now thinking — but no one wants to spend time on the phone. I email them and if they are interested, they call. That is not thinking like a salesperson!

In our sales process we have key steps that help you guide your sale to success. One of them is the four and score method with three options. For every new lead an agent needs to identify four lines of coverage they should review with the client. You need to start thinking upfront about the other policies to plant some seeds and remember you miss 100% of the shots you do not take right. What is the worst a prospect says — no (which means not right now!).

Another winning sales strategy is to provide people options. When you give someone three coverage options you are presenting your sales an educational opportunity!

When a lead is learning, you are winning. For many agents they are surprised at how many leads move forward with a tier or two higher in coverage. When you present it in a way that shows them value for a small investment more per month you earn their trust. So now imagine presenting four lines with three options via email. It is not pretty.

Finally, to be a sales professional we need to set appointments with our clients. Every connection should lead with a clear and agreed upon next step. For you as an agent this means the lead is less likely to keep shopping and wait to hear what you have to present and for the client it means that there is a clear expectation. The biggest objections agents get today is being ghosted, not price. When someone just disappears, you must go back and review your process to drive results.

Remember, doing what is right is not always the easiest plan but it does get you the best results.