How Insurance Agencies Find Sales Talent in Small Markets

Dear Mary, we are one of the largest insurance agencies in our state. Our plan is to remain independent and grow organically in every office location. Some of our markets are easier to find talent in than others. Our most difficult office is in a 60,000-person town. It’s a great community but has a unique character; it’s a little artsy and parochial. We want to grow our sales team but haven’t had success with out-of-towners. Plus, there aren’t many other agencies in town to source from. How do I find sales candidates? — David, Agency President

David, I get it. I grew up in rural, northwest Iowa and found my way into insurance sales in an 80,000-person town, which outside of Iowa, is considered a small town by most brokers. Small markets pose a unique challenge for agencies looking to grow. You have more options than just the “born and bred” hometown producer, including newbies, out-of-industry converts and returning home stories. Here’s advice I lend to agencies that are on the hunt to find producers in smaller markets.

Profile 1: Newbies

Fresh faced and ready to take on the world, college graduates need time and investment that might be easier to provide in a small market than a big city.

Profile 2: B2B Converts

Out-of-industry salespeople bring career experience and a Rolodex of local contacts. An insurance career is an easy sell to a sales executive who understands the value of recurring revenue.

Profile 3: Relocating Home Stories

Take advantage of people who are in a stage of life where they want to move closer to family, friends and an alma mater. Heck, even the in-laws, which might be harder to identify through research but equally as assured of a long-term commitment to your community.

Profile 4: Buy Young Talent

In small cities the list of independent agency competitors may be too limited. Captive agencies are your best source for a larger local talent pool.