Report: 72% of Gulf Coast Homes Have Roofs Susceptible to Hurricane Damage

Arturo released its inaugural report “Hurricane Exposure: The State of Gulf Homes” that analyzes more than 17 million homes across the South Central and Southeast United States ahead of a forecasted above-average hurricane season.

The report finds 71.9% of rooftops in the analyzed states are asphalt shingle, which can only withstand wind speeds up to 110 mph, or Category 3 force winds. Older or degraded asphalt may only withstand winds up to 50 mph. Metal roofs are more wind-resistant, able to withstand winds up to 160 mph (Category 5), but they only make up 6% of roofs in the region.

Arturo’s report finds:

Arturo’s Hurricane Exposure Report analyzed approximately 17,398,366 single family homes across Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia and South Carolina covering 579,000 square miles.

Arturo is a deep learning company offering physical property characteristic data and predictive analysis for residential and commercial properties for use in the property/casualty insurance, reinsurance, lending, and securities markets.