My New Markets

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Artisan Program for Workers’ Comp
Market Detail: PMC Insurance Group is a wholesaler for workers’ compensation markets. PMC can write a wide range of classes which include: plumbers, carpenters, electricians, painters, masonry, and landscapers. Minimum premiums start at $2,000, however most carriers require one full-time employee and a minimum of $28,000 in payroll. Height exposure over two stories and tree pruners are excluded. Program eligibility varies by carrier and state.
Available limits: Minimum limit $2,000.
Carrier: Unable to disclose, admitted.
States: All states except Ga., Hawaii, Ind., Minn., N.D., Neb., N.J., Ohio, Tenn., Utah, and Wyo.
Contact: Kate Alben at 781-449-7744 or e-mail:

Products Recall Expense Insurance
Market Detail: MRM Group provides product recall coverage for all industry segments with special programs for agriculture industry and meat industry.
Available limits: As needed.
Carrier: Unable to disclose.
States: All states.
Contact: Customer service at 800-815-0060.

Energy Casualty
Market Detail: Arch Insurance Group‘s Energy Casualty team has products for clients and brokers within the Energy segment. Arch tailors coverage to the specific needs of the energy clients in all casualty lines including primary general liability, auto liability, excess and umbrella. Industry segments include: power generation- power plant, wind, solar; mining – surface mines, underground mines; oil and gas – drilling contractors, field service contractors, lease operators, pipeline; and ethanol and bio-diesel water utilities. Primary limits of $2 million/$4 million/$4 million available and capacity up to $25 million. The amount of capacity deployed and attachment point is determined on a risk by risk basis, which is dependent on the particular energy industry sub-set and the complexity of the individual risk. Limits can be used on a 100 percent layer or on a quota-share basis. Key features include: ability to write primary layers as well as lead umbrella and excess placements; ability to write on an admitted or non-admitted basis; occurrence and claims made forms. Submission guidelines: include industry supplemental application; full description of operations for each entity; minimum five years of historical losses; minimum five years exposure data; financials; and website information.
Available limits: Minimum $1 million; maximum $25 million.
Carrier: Arch Insurance.
States: All states.
Contact: Customer service at 212-651-6500.

Marinas, Boat Dealers, Boat Repairers
Market Detail: Continental Marine can write almost any type of marine risk, whether it commercial or personal, with over 16 marine markets to choose from. Available classes include: boat repair, boat dealers, marina operators, cargo, boat manufacturer, builder’s risk, charter, luxury yacht, terminal operators, and yacht brokers, to name a few.
Available limits: As needed.
Carrier: Unable to disclose, admitted and non-admitted available.
States: Ariz., Calif., Idaho, Nev., Ore., and Wash.
Contact: Jeana Ramos at 866-699-2747 or e-mail:

Wealth Security Policy
Market Detail: Woodruff-Sawyer & Co. have crafted a new personal protection product for independent board members called “wealth security policy.” Independent directors of corporations are subject to unlimited, personal liability. They can be named defendants in securities class action suits and are often the targets of derivative suits. The Wealth Security Policy is a personal policy for independent board members and is specifically designed to protect an independent director against personal liability when the director’s company and the company’s D&O cannot or will not.
Available limits: As needed.
Carrier: Unable to disclose.
States: All states.
Contact: Judy Roberts at 415-399-6313 or e-mail:

Forced Placed and REO Insurance
Market Detail: Seattle Specialty Insurance Services specializes in lender placed and REO insurance with automation to simplify insurance servicing for banks, mortgage bankers, and private lenders.
Available limits: Maximum $5 million.
Carrier: Various, admitted and non-admitted available.
States: All states.
Contact: Customer service at 800-597-1866 ext. 3223.

Personal Umbrella
Market Detail: Insurance Services Inc. is an online provider of standalone personal umbrella policies. Policies are available within 24 hours. No MVRs and no signed applications required; direct bill to insured new and renewal.
Available limits: Maximum $10 million.
Carrier: AAIC.
States: All states except Alaska, Hawaii, La., Ga., S.D., W.V., Vt., and N.H.
Contact: Daina Kawchack at 800-564-1799 or e-mail:

Market Detail: Belmont Underwriters LLC is an MGA focused on EPLI for insurance agents and brokers as well as architects and engineers; other classes also welcome. Minimum premiums start at $1,250. Wage and hour coverage available as well as defense outside the limits.
Available limits: Minimum $500,000, maximum $2 million.
Carrier: Unable to disclose, admitted.
States: Calif., Nev., Ore., Utah, Colo., Texas, Mo., Ill., Ga., Ohio, Pa., Va., N.J., Mass., Md.
Contact: Customer service at 888-533-5177.

Market Detail: American Border Insurance Services‘ cruceSeguro program offers auto liability coverage for Mexican registered vehicles crossing the border into the U.S.
Available limits: Minimum limit $15,000, maximum $300,000.
Carrier: Chartis Seguros Mexico.
States: Calif., Ariz., N.M., and Texas.
Contact: Customer service at 800-554-2247.