N.H. Commissioner Sevigny’s Reappointment Confirmed by Exec Council

New Hampshire’s Executive Council has unanimously confirmed on Wednesday the reappointment of Roger Sevigny to another five-year term as the state’s insurance commissioner.

New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner Roger Sevigny
New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan nominated Sevigny to another term last month, pending final approval and confirmation by the state’s Executive Council. New Hampshire’s Executive Council and its five elected members have the authority and responsibility, together with the governor, over the administration of the state’s affairs.

Appointed to his third term as New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner, Sevigny expressed gratitude for both Gov. Hassan’s nomination and the state Executive Council’s confirmation. “It is a tremendous honor,” Sevigny stated. “I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the residents of New Hampshire for five more years.”

Recognizing the ever-changing insurance landscape, Commissioner Sevigny stated his agency remains committed to promoting and protecting the public good by ensuring the existence of a safe and competitive, insurance marketplace.

Commissioner Sevigny has been leading New Hampshire’s insurance department since he was appointed to the post in 2003 by then Gov. Craig Benson. Sevigny is also a former president of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).

Prior to his appointment as the insurance commissioner he held the position of assistant commissioner. Before joining the insurance department, he worked with Travelers Insurance for more than 30 years, serving in a variety of technical and management positions.