Delaware Raises Minimum Auto Liability Limits for the First Time in 30 Years

Delaware Governor John Carney has signed into law legislation that will increase the state’s minimum auto liability insurance limits. The state last adjusted the minimum auto liability insurance limits approximately 30 years ago.

House Bill 114, sponsored by Rep. Bryon Short (D-District 7), amends the current minimum limits of 15/30/5 to 25/50/10. The change will impact new and renewal policies on Dec. 13.

“The minimum limits didn’t reflect the rising cost of medical care and property,” said Dick Corroon, chairman of the Delaware Association of Insurance Agents & Brokers, which championed the bill.

The Delaware Association of Insurance Agents & Brokers has nearly 50 member agencies throughout Delaware and works to provide professional training, government affairs work, agency tool development, communications, and carrier and legal advocacy.

Currently, the state’s minimum auto liability insurance limits are at the second-lowest level nationwide. HB 114 will align Delaware’s limits with those in several other states, including Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.

Source: Delaware Association of Insurance Agents & Brokers