Aon Hotline Supports Clients Affected by Recall or Contamination Crisis

Aon Risk Solutions and the Aon WorldAware Operations Center have together launched the Aon Re-Call Crisis Center, a new feature to support business clients affected by a recall or contamination crisis. The hotline is designed to provide policy owners with a single source of information to facilitate the prompt activation of crisis management services available via their insurance policy. Both operations are divisions of Aon plc.

The Aon Re-Call Crisis Center is open 24-hours a day, seven days a week, and acts as a hub to coordinate all the necessary steps of a crisis situation including policy review, contacting the insurers, and the crisis management and claims teams, the company said in a statement. Allowing clients to respond more quickly to a crisis event can dictate how successful an organization can recover from a recall or contamination event. Additionally, the partnership with the Aon WorldAware Operations Center gives policy owners a comprehensive management system that delivers an effective, straightforward solution to help clients manage even the most severe recall or contamination events, the company stated.

As a part of Aon WorldAware Solutions, the WorldAware Operations Center originated as a travel risk management platform that could activate company safe travel insurance policies and contact relevant third parties during the time of an incident. Through the Aon Re-Call Crisis Center, the WorldAware Operations Center has evolved to provide these capabilities to Aon Crisis Management clients.