Treasury Names Members of Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance

The U.S. Department of the Treasury appointed 15 individuals to serve as members of the Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance.

The committee will provide advice to Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office (FIO), which was established as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

“These individuals have tremendous knowledge about the insurance industry and a wide cross-section of experience,” said Michael McRaith, director of the FIO.

The FIO monitors all aspects of the insurance industry, including identifying issues that could contribute to systemic risk in the insurance industry or the U.S. financial system. It also assesses the availability and affordability of insurance to traditionally underserved populations; advises the Secretary of the Treasury on major domestic insurance policy issues; and develops and coordinates federal policy on international insurance regulatory matters.

Nearly half of the committee is comprised of state insurance regulators. The remaining members will bring a diverse set of perspectives on the insurance industry, with backgrounds ranging from consumer advocacy and academia to the business of insurance lines, Treasury stated in a release.

The 15 individuals appointed tothe Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance include: