TSC Advantage Enhances Cyber Assessment Technology for Insurers

TSC Advantage, an enterprise risk consultancy, has enhanced its cyber risk assessment Threat Vector Manager (TVM) technology for commercial organizations, critical infrastructure and the public sector.

In addition, through its partnership with global insurance underwriters and brokers, TSC Advantage said it is also enhancing pre-binding risk assessment, which supports cyber insurance policies for the critical infrastructure market and for those focusing on cyber terrorism.

TSC Advantage aligns resources against an entity’s highest priority threats. TVM, through its associated Enterprise Security Assessment (ESA) component, identifies trends, patterns and areas of elevated risk within enterprise environments and offers customers a measurement of security controls across the following six domains:

According to Sean Doherty, president of TSC Advantage, the ESA approach “provides evidence-based and objective assessments of internal and external forces affecting a client’s security posture, and is not limited in scope by only focusing on a singular area, such as traditional endpoint concepts and other IT-centric solutions.”

TSC Advantage has also partnered with more than a dozen insurance underwriters operating on the Lloyd’s of London exchange and worldwide insurance brokers to offer a new cyber insurance product designed to address cyber liability exposures that arise within the utility and critical infrastructure sectors. Using TSC Advantage’s ESA risk assessment tool, insurance underwriters get an in-depth look at a pre-insured company’s holistic risk profile that considers evolving cyber threats and potential attacks.

TSC Advantage specializes in the defense of trade secrets, intellectual property and other sensitive information. TSC Advantage is headquartered in Washington, D.C.