HSB Introduces Personal Lines Cyber Insurance Program

The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (HSB), part of Munich Re, has introduced HSB Home Cyber Protection, a personal lines cyber insurance program for consumers.

HSB Home Cyber Protection offers a suite of cyber coverage and services for computer attacks, cyber extortion, online fraud and the breach of personal information involving smart phones, computers and connected home devices.

HSB Home Cyber Protection bundles cyber insurance coverages once available only to businesses, but increasingly important to individuals as we store more information electronically and access our data online.

Those coverages include:

HSB Home Cyber Protection is added to the homeowners or renters policies of insurance companies that partner with HSB and covers the individuals and family members insured by those policies.

Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) is a specialty insurer providing equipment breakdown, other specialty coverages, inspection services and engineering-based risk management.