Tennessee Insurance Commissioner McPeak Elected as NAIC Officer

Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance (TDCI) Commissioner Julie Mix McPeak was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). She joins the other 2016 NAIC officers elected during the NAIC’s Fall National Meeting in National Harbor, Md.

An active NAIC participant for nearly 20 years, McPeak has served on the NAIC’s Executive Committee since 2013. McPeak, who was formerly Kentucky’s lead insurance regulator, was appointed as the Department’s Commissioner by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam in 2011. She was reappointed to her post in 2015.

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Julie Mix McPeak

McPeak is the first woman to serve as chief insurance regulator in more than one state.

“I have cherished and valued my years-long membership and association with the NAIC,” said McPeak. “It is an honor to represent the State of Tennessee as an NAIC officer and demonstrate to my fellow insurance commissioners that Tennessee leads the way in responsible regulation of the insurance industry and consumer protection.”

As TDCI Commissioner, McPeak is the chief regulator of the insurance and securities industries in Tennessee as well as the Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office, which is committed to protecting Tennesseans through fire prevention, education, codes enforcement, and law enforcement.

Additionally, TDCI’s regulatory boards oversee several hundred thousand Tennesseans in their professions and businesses. TDCI is also directly responsible for the Division of Consumer Affairs, the Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy as well as the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy and the Peace Officers Standards Training Commission, among other divisions.

McPeak has spent most of her career in insurance regulation. In addition to her work in state government, she is an Executive Committee member of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and a member of the Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance (FACI).

“I will bring the same commitment to the NAIC that I have brought to my role as TDCI Commissioner,” said McPeak. “I believe in transparency, commitment to inclusiveness, vigorous debate, and harmony in action. By serving as an NAIC officer, I will establish Tennessee as a leader in domestic and international strategy.”

McPeak is a 1994 graduate of the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville where she earned a juris doctor. She earned a bachelor’s degree, with distinction, in marketing from the University of Kentucky in 1990.

McPeak and the other newly appointed NAIC officers will assume their duties on Jan. 1, 2016.