Florida Governor Signs Insurer Accountability, Wind-Mit Discount Bills Into Law

Florida’s governor this week signed the Insurer Accountability Act and two other bills that put new restrictions on insurers and require premium discounts for homeowners’ wind-mitigation efforts.

Senate Bill 7052 was passed this spring after the Florida Legislature approved controversial claims-litigation and attorney-fee limitations designed to help ease cost burdens on property insurers. The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation, in a statement Thursday, said the accountability act will bar insurers from altering independent adjusters’ damage estimates unless they provide a full explanation and a copy of the original estimate to policyholders.

The practice came to light last December when three independent adjusters told Florida legislators that a number of insurers had been making wholesale changes to their reports while making it look like the insurer-revised reports had been written by the adjusters.

SB 7052, which takes effect July 1, also:

House Bill 799, which Gov. DeSantis also signed this week, expands wind-mitigation benefits by requiring insurers to allow premium discounts in their rate filings. Many insurers had already provided credits for hurricane-hardening efforts, but the law now mandates some discounts. It takes effect July 1.

The bill also dropped the 2022 requirement that high-rise condominium unit owners must purchase flood insurance if they are covered by Citizens Property Insurance for wind damage.

House Bill 881 also expands the My Safe Florida Home mitigation program, which provides grants up to $10,000 for homeowners.