Colorado Tells Sessions That Pot Industry Is Working And Can Be Better

Colorado’s legal marijuana industry is working – and can work better with federal collaboration, the state’s governor and Republican attorney general told U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a letter.

Gov. John Hickenlooper and Attorney General Cynthia Coffman urged Sessions to collaborate with recreational pot states on law enforcement and on providing the industry access to the federal banking system.

The pot industry relies on cash because the federal government considers the drug illegal.

They told Sessions, who has floated the idea of a crackdown on marijuana legalization, that Colorado’s first-in-the-nation recreational industry is robust. The state has taken steps to crack down on black market sales, diversion to other states, and youth use, they said.

“Colorado’s system has become a model for other states and nations,” Hickenlooper and Coffman wrote. Voter-approved sales began in 2014.

Sessions recently sent letters to the governors of Colorado, Alaska, Oregon and Washington – the first four states to legalize recreational marijuana – detailing his concerns with how effective state regulatory efforts are. All have defended their efforts.

Hickenlooper and Coffman addressed several of Sessions’ concerns:

“We stand ready to work with our federal partners to fortify what we have built,” they wrote.
