Editor’s Note: Golf Issue Swings into Action

Welcome to Insurance Journal’s third annual national golf issue, where a golf theme yet again graces the magazine’s cover.

Readers who are breathlessly awaiting a cover story on surplus lines, contractors, commercial auto coverage, or professional liability, will have to hold out for an upcoming issue of IJ-this issue is all about golf. Well, not completely.

However you will find more than a dozen pages with articles discussing topics such as the latest in golf and country club coverage, the how-to’s of planning an industry golf event, tips for golfers striving to improve their game, why tournament organizers might purchase hole-in-one coverage, and a sneak preview of this week’s 87th annual PGA Championship and more.

Yes, the insurance industry is wild about golf. Very few industry events lack a golf tournament. At any industry event, there always seems to be a number of common items on the agenda, one of which is a golf tournament.

At most industry conferences you will find agents and brokers out on the links. Industry tournaments provide an opportunity for colleagues to have a fun, network and compare scores over dinner. It seems that even industry conferences without golf tournaments eventually add one to the agenda. Whether you are an avid golfer, or not, golf is here to stay … at least in insurance.

For those without passion for golf, you will also find coverage on the industry from around the country.

There is certainly no shortage of golf courses in San Diego. I pass one each morning on my drive to work and the golfers are out on the links in rain, shine or fog. They are one breed of athletes more concerned with their scores than the weather.

We hope you find this year’s coverage beneficial and interesting. Let us know your thoughts on IJ’s annual national golf issue. Do you enjoy the golf coverage? Should we continue the tradition? What else would you like to read about? We’d like to hear from you, so drop us a note at editorial@insurancejournal.com.

Enjoy reading and keep in the swing of things.