Word of Mouth Matters When Customers Buy Their Insurance: Facebook

For young and old property and auto insurance customers alike, word of mouth shapes their coverage purchases, according to a new Facebook survey.

Where that word of mouth comes from can differ, however. The survey found that 80 percent of customers are influenced by recommendations from friends and family when deciding on their insurance.

But younger customers said they worried that an insurance broker or agent would try to influence their purchase if they weren’t sure of their choice, the survey found. As a result, the global social networking giant said, many younger customers saw non-family word of mouth — consumer reviews — as the most trustworthy information source.

The global social networking giant pursued its survey through Facebook IQ, its “insights unit” designed to help marketers better understand how people communicate both on and offline. Accenture gathered the data, surveying 1,007 U.S. insurance consumers who bought automobile or property insurance products in the three months before July 2018.

Here are some additional survey highlights: