Georgia’s Consumer Insurance Settlements Reach $2.1M in First Quarter

Georgia Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens said his department’s consumer services division helped Georgians receive more than $2 million in claims settlement disputes with insurance companies.

Commissioner Hudgens said his department’s consumer services specialists have answered 4,046 complaints and helped consumers receive $2,157,562 million during the first three months of 2014. Many of these requests for help involved claims disputes with health insurance companies, Commissioner Hudgens said. In most cases, he added, the consumer services specialists were able to obtain a settlement favorable to the consumer.

“The department stands ready today to provide assistance to any and all Georgia insurance consumers who have questions or problems with an insurance company,” said Hudgens.

He said his department’s consumer services specialists can help with problems in life, health, auto and homeowners insurance.

Commissioner Hudgens stressed that, hile most insurers doing business in Georgia are reputable, his department handles many cases every year in which there are improper or questionable claims denials, slow payments and payment-related problems.

“Sometimes, it’s as simple as helping a consumer understand his or her rights under an insurance policy or under Georgia law,” he said. “And in other cases, there are insurers who seek to shortchange consumers by failing to live up to their coverage promises. For consumers in these situations, the Department can mean the difference between no coverage and getting the help they legitimately need, deserve and have purchased.”

Commissioner Hudgens said his department’s consumer services division has retrieved over $32 million for Georgia insurance consumers since he took office in 2011.

Consumers with insurance questions or problems can contact the consumer services division at 404-656-2070, or toll-free at 1-800-656-2298. Consumers can also go to the department’s web site at to obtain and submit a complaint form.

Source: Office of Georgia Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner

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