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West 9,136
  • California 4,752
  • Colorado 934
  • Arizona 681
  • Washington 611
  • Utah 606
  • Oregon 563
  • Nevada 352
  • Idaho 232
  • New Mexico 167
  • Montana 138
  • Wyoming 91
  • Alaska 6
  • Hawaii 3
Midwest 9,944
  • Illinois 2,262
  • Missouri 1,373
  • Ohio 1,240
  • Michigan 1,162
  • Indiana 893
  • Wisconsin 798
  • Iowa 593
  • Minnesota 541
  • Nebraska 404
  • Kansas 352
  • North Dakota 181
  • South Dakota 145
East 9,538
  • New York 2,938
  • New Jersey 1,666
  • Pennsylvania 1,121
  • Massachusetts 981
  • Maryland 849
  • Virginia 760
  • Connecticut 491
  • Maine 204
  • New Hampshire 194
  • Rhode Island 161
  • Vermont 76
  • Delaware 72
  • Washington DC 25
Southeast 9,836
  • Florida 4,986
  • N. Carolina 1,247
  • Georgia 1,196
  • S. Carolina 526
  • Tennessee 488
  • Alabama 457
  • Mississippi 416
  • Kentucky 404
  • West Virginia 116
S. Central 8,733
  • Texas 6,038
  • Louisiana 1,433
  • Oklahoma 712
  • Arkansas 550
  • U.S. Territories
    & Other Int'l 13
AAM Logo 3rd-Party Circulation Audit of the May 20, 2024 Issue

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Editorial Calendar 2025

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