NY, NJ Agents Offer Halloween Safety Tips

October 31, 2001

The presidents of the Professional Insurance Agents of New York (PIANY) and of New Jersey (PIANJ), John Bailey and Steve Reichman, have both issued warnings to parents to observe certain basic safety rules for their trick or treaters tonight in order to avoid accidents.

They suggested the following:
— Carry a flashlight
— Make sure costumes don’t drag on the ground and wear shoes that fit – even if they don’t go with the costume. Put reflective tape on the costume.
— Stay on the sidewalks and stay in familiar neighborhoods. If there are no sidewalks, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.
— Make sure your children eat dinner before they go out. Do not let your children eat any candy, etc. before you have a chance to inspect it. Look at the wrapping carefully and throw out anything that looks suspicious.
— Older children should carry quarters so they can call home.
— Keep your pets indoors
— Motorists should drive very slow all evening. Adult Halloween partygoers should be sure to have a designated driver.

Bailey and Reichman urged everyone to have “a safe and enjoyable Halloween this year” by following these precautions.

Topics Agencies New York New Jersey

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