Virginia Bill Extends Sex Abuse Statute of Limitations to 20 Years

By | February 23, 2011

  • September 7, 2013 at 10:52 pm
    anonymous says:
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    We lived in the state of va at the time of my child’s assault. We’ve since moved out of state. The assaulter was a non immediate family member and they were both minors at the time of the abuse. Can I still press charges? If so, how do I go about doing that?

  • January 13, 2014 at 2:38 pm says:
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    I worked the federal government for 23 years and in 2006 my boss harrassed me to the point where I had to be put on medication, because of the medication I fell and I am now permanently disabled, no government totally dismissed the issues (well offered a sum to keep quite) but now I have no life, look what it did to my family, the loss in salary made me loss my home, and I will never alk again and this man is allowed to continue to supervise and has no record of the event in his record. Why don’t I have any recourse here? I can get my medical, loss of salary, nothing, and I suffer daily- if any lawyer wants to fight the government I can’t pay but can give you a portion if we win, I have documentation of the boss asking for pictures of breast, I have documentation of everything, even the mediator had to stop the proceeding because he was crying so hard – where is my justice?????

  • June 18, 2015 at 7:51 pm
    AJ says:
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    I was molested in 1976. I was 13 years old and I can still remember what happened to me like it was yesterday. I was 22 years old when I first spoke of this to anybody. At that time the statute of limitation for civil litigation was 2 years and, of course, 9 years had already past and it was now 1985. 26 years later, in 2011, the Virginia Legislature decided that a 20 year statute of limitation was more appropriate for the victims of these horrific crimes against children. Two years after the sexual assault on me I was still only 15 years old and terrified of what had happened to me, thinking that I was at fault somehow. it wasn’t until years later that i was able to talk about it. By then, I had no civil recourse because of the ridiculous 2 year statute of limitation which remained in affect for some 35 years after I was assaulted. So, in 2011 Virginia realized how absurd the 2 year statute of limitation was and increased the time frame for filing a civil case against an attacker. Does anyone know if the Virginia Legislature considered extending the time frame for people like me who only had a 2 year window. At least, they should of let victims, like me, have their 20 year time clock start in 2011 when they changed the law. I have only recently found out about the law change in 2011 and that is why I am seeking some answers about this. For 33 years I have had no civil recourse for what happened to me in 1976. But thankfully, today, child victims of sexual abuse don’t have that limited 2 year time frame constricting their rights.

  • March 22, 2016 at 6:05 pm
    LJ says:
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    The extension is 20 years after your 18th birthday.

  • August 14, 2017 at 1:15 pm
    DD says:
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    When I was 7/8 and my sister was a year younger, we were both molested by a guy that his family was friends with ours. My sister told our older sister who told our mother. She told us she took care of the “situation”! He was 14/15 at the time the “situation” as my mother called it. I was afraid to tell her that he had actually raped me 3 times. I didn’t realize that was what it was.

    I found out later that my mother never told anyone! She covered it sister who was younger is angry that I have decided to find out what I can do about it.

    Has the statutes of limitations passed to have him charged against him for raping me and anyone who covered it up. My father is mad. He was a police officer. He told her he would have put him in jail.

    Is there anything I can do?

  • December 26, 2017 at 9:32 pm
    Marita Bassett says:
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    I was molested by a doctor in a major hospital and he wasn’t put in jail but I was told by the C.E.O of the hospital that they handle the situation. And I was brush to the side. Who do I need to contact further about the situation

  • May 25, 2018 at 11:13 am
    N. Downer says:
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    When I was 11/12, my foster father in Hampton, Virginia raped and molested me off and on until finally after complaining to my case worker I was moved to another foster home. The incidents were never reported as I felt I was at fault. I have been haunted by the memories and I have issues that have never resolved. I have been to counselors off and on and I still can’t seem to let it go when I see all these people on television talking about their past abuse. Can anyone help me?

    • November 6, 2019 at 5:09 pm
      S.Wright says:
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      It is possible there may be recourse. How long ago was this? As article states, there is no statute of limitations for criminal charges. Social services as well as the foster care agency should have pursued criminal investigation against that monster when they moved you to another home. This is a pretty common practice in foster care however… that is, simply moving the child and never investigating the so called parent all the while allowing other foster youth into home exposing them to the same risk. If he did that to you, he probably did that to others as well.
      You may have civil recourse as well to recover monetary damages. Honestly, I would reach out to lawyers in this area of law for further advice. You never know until you try. I understand this comment was posted in 2018 but I hope you see this and be strong. It takes a lot to come forward.

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