Diederich Healthcare Expands Med Mal Coverage to New Jersey

February 2, 2012

Diederich Healthcare has expanded its coverage area to include physicians practicing in New Jersey. The expansion offers additional coverage options to physicians in the state through Positive Physicians Insurance Exchange (PPIX), a fully admitted New Jersey carrier.

“This expansion is consistent with our commitment to provide cost effective and accessible malpractice insurance to the physicians of New Jersey,” said Jeffery M. Diederich, chairman and chief executive officer of Diederich Insurance Agency, LLC.

The Carbondale, Ill.-based Diederich Healthcare is a division of Diederich Insurance Agency, a provider of medical malpractice insurance for physicians. Diederich Healthcare provides comprehensive medical malpractice insurance and consulting services to over 13,000 healthcare providers throughout the United States through seven regional offices.

PPIX is a physician-driven medical malpractice insurance company and offers two types of policies: a traditional claims-made policy and a positive protection claims-made policy. The traditional claims-made policy is similar to claims-made policies offered by other admitted New Jersey carriers and typically includes retro-active coverage, consent to settle clause, no deductible, and free tail provisions upon retirement.

The enhanced claims-made Positive Protection policy provides tail anytime the policy is terminated, similar to an occurrence policy, eliminating the need to purchase expensive tail coverage.

At no additional cost, the Berwyn, Pa.-based PPIX has offered certain specialty coverages including network security and privacy insurance, MEDEFENSE-Plus regulatory coverage, patient notification and credit monitoring costs insurance, and data recovery costs insurance.

Specialties that are likely to be affected by this new option include anesthesia, cardiology, emergency medicine, general surgery, internal medicine, neurology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, orthopedic medicine, pain management, physiatry, plastic surgery, podiatry, primary care, radiology, sports medicine and urology.

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