Mich. Coalition Plans News Conference Urging Veto of Helmet Bill Repeal

June 20, 2006

  • June 20, 2006 at 4:19 am
    Henry D says:
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    What a Bunch of crap! Freedom of adult choice in america takes a back seat with the money making businesses like the insurance companies. What\’s more important for this country? It shows like a bad rash, we might as well be in the middle east.

  • June 22, 2006 at 12:18 pm
    Charles Connor says:
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    The ultimate goal of AAA, and this puppet \”coalition\” it has crated, would be to outlaw motorcycles all together.

  • June 18, 2007 at 11:06 am
    Pete Ponzetti says:
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    That’s a ridiculous statement that is unfounded and cannot be backed by any evidence whatsoever. Freedom to ride without helmets or seatbelts will come when riders and drivers want to carry $5 million in personal injury insurance. Why? So the state and taxpayers won’t have to pay to scoop their brains off pavements and pay to feed, house and medicate those whose “freedom” has left them crippled, retarded and dependent on the system.

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